What Is the Best Prescription Medicine for Hemorrhoids?

What Is the Best Prescription Medicine for Hemorrhoids

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are the result of tissues in the anus becoming swollen and inflamed. While hemorrhoids can develop inside or around the anus, they are generally under the skin outside the sphincter muscle. Hemorrhoids are a common ailment, especially as you age. Once a common problem for those living a hard-working rural lifestyle, more and more Americans are experiencing hemorrhoids as a modern illness.

They may occur at any age but are more common as people age. For most people, hemorrhoids do not cause symptoms and do not require treatment. However, hemorrhoid symptoms may include bleeding after bowel movements, mucus discharge, itching, pain, swelling, or irritation of the anus or rectum.

If you are suffering from Hemorrhoids, it is important that you find out the causes. This way, Hemorrhoids can be prevented.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, which is why we’ve put together this list of the most common causes of hemorrhoids as well as some tips on avoiding and treating them. Hemorrhoids (also called piles) are very common. In fact, as many as half the people in the world will develop them at least once during their lifetime.

Many people, especially children, have painful, inflamed hemorrhoids. It may surprise you to learn that hemorrhoids are caused by things you eat, not by something you or someone else did. Don’t panic. The cause of hemorrhoids is not usually infection, and it is not usually constipation. The cause of hemorrhoids is usually something you eat. What you eat makes you have diarrhea, and your feces become sticky with fluid. That fluid collects in the anal canal, and the pressure is enough to cause hemorrhoids.

The causes of hemorrhoids are open for discussion. Many people feel it is a lack of fiber in the diet, while others believe it is a lack of exercise. Others believe it to be a combination of the two. Some doctors feel that diet is more important than exercise for hemorrhoid prevention, while others feel the opposite.

Best medications

1. Pramosone

Pramosone for treating hemorrhoids is an anti-inflammatory used to decrease swelling and itching associated with hemorrhoids. Pramosone 1% comes in a cream, a 1% solution, a foam, a 1% gel, and a 2% lotion. It can cause skin irritation and thinning of skin. 

2. Mezparox

Dealing with hemorrhoids is both painful and stressful. Fortunately, you can turn to Mezparox to treat these nasty conditions. Formulated by a reputable pharmacist, this unique treatment eliminates the pain caused by hemorrhoids, shrinks them away, and helps restore your overall well-being. It can cause burning and dryness. 

3. Proctosol

Proctosol is a topical medicated cream that treats the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It works fast and has a soothing effect that can relieve burning, itching and bleeding from hemorrhoids. If you feel pain, use proctosol as directed by your doctor. Proctosol is not for internal use or for treating chronic hemorrhoidal inflammation.

How to prevent Hemorrhoids?

We may not be able to eliminate the risk of hemorrhoids, but we can change our lifestyle to help prevent them to the best of our ability.

The following are suggestions that may help.

1. Increasing the fiber in the diet.

2. More exercise, especially physical.

3. Relaxation techniques.

4. Maintaining proper weight.

5. Proper hygiene, especially while bathing.

6. Avoiding tight clothing that may aggravate the hemorrhoids.

7. Drinking plenty of water.

8. Keeping one’s bowels regular.

9. Avoiding tobacco smoking.

10. Avoiding alcohol.

11. Using medications that reduce the urge for constipation.

12. Avoiding straining while bowel movements.

14. Avoiding sitting for too long in one position.

15. Avoiding straining while passing a bowel movement.

16. Avoiding sitting too long.

17. Avoiding stress.

18. Maintaining good personal hygiene.

19. Avoiding sitting too long in one position.

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